Abyde Feature Week: Training Portal

March 22, 2024

Is it over already? But, we’ve been having so much! 

If you’re not aware, this past week, we’ve been going over all the amazing features the Abyde software has to offer, simplifying compliance for your business.

Every second counts when it comes to running your business, and complex HIPAA regulations are the last thing you need to stress about. 

That’s where Abyde comes in. 

Over the past week, we’ve gone through a variety of our cutting-edge features. For example, the once daunting Security Risk Analysis (SRA)? Yeah, we turned it into a questionnaire that can be completed in minutes. We have a Scorecard that keeps track of your HIPAA triumphs and shortcomings, letting you know the best compliance practices. In the spirit of efficiency, we also dynamically generate your custom policies and procedures. Oh yeah, we also streamline Business Associate Agreements with our BA | CE Portal, making the only thing you have to do is digitally sign. 

Now, the last feature of this wonderful week will be our entertaining training. 

Yes, pick your jaw off the floor, Abyde actually makes HIPAA compliance training fun. 

Level Up! 

Routine training is required to keep you and your staff on point when it comes to compliance protocols. 

Compliance training might not be synonymous with fun to most, so that’s where Abyde once again has changed the compliance game. 

Gone are the days when you’d need to shut down your business, hire a third-party consultant, and spend the whole day talking about HIPAA.

With Abyde, we create short, simple, and entertaining training, giving over everything you need to know to be compliant. We’re always getting better here at Abyde, and some of my favorite new trainings are interactive, making sure your staff is engaged and learning. 

Best part? This training can be completed at your own pace, so no need to shut down the business for the day! 

Need to follow up with employees who haven’t completed training? You can do that with a click of a button, reminding staff with a friendly email from us. 

In the words of the Staples button – That was easy! 

Feature Finale

We had a fantastic week going through all the amazing features that make Abyde, well, Abyde! Now, let’s remember that continuous compliance lasts a lot longer than this week, and is a staple to the success of your business. 

Think about the countless hours you save with Abyde’s innovative solutions. 

Abyde can and will make compliance for your business simple and easy. It’s what we do best. 

We’re here to equip businesses with the tools they need to keep Protected Health Information (PHI) safe and secure. 

BAs are in a unique situation – running both a business and then being entrusted with the responsibility of protecting sensitive patient information. 

We’re here to make compliance easy so you can focus on running your business. 

To learn more about Abyde’s revolutionary software solution, email us at info@abyde.com and schedule a demo here to see it in action.