The Expiration of Telehealth Waivers for Dentists: Navigating the Future of Remote Dental Care

May 23, 2023

Over the past couple of years, telehealth has revolutionized the healthcare industry, including dentistry. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes and the healthcare landscape evolves, the telehealth waivers that allowed dentists to provide virtual care through non-compliant platforms are expiring. Let’s explore the implications of these expiring waivers and how dentists can navigate the future of remote dental care.

The Rise of Telehealth in Dentistry

Telehealth emerged as a crucial tool during the pandemic, enabling dentists to connect with patients remotely for consultations, follow-ups, and non-emergency care. These waivers expanded access to dental services, particularly for underserved populations, reduced unnecessary in-person visits, and improved overall patient experience. Dentists embraced telehealth to ensure continuity of care while minimizing the risk of virus transmission.

Implications of Expiring Waivers:
Using platforms like Apple Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and other non-public facing platforms were part of the Notice of Enforcement Discretion the OCR laid out in March of 2020. Now that virtually every EHR/PM solution and other technologies have emerged over the last 3 years, practices can easily implement compliant solutions. 

Dentistry will always predominantly be an in-person health care service but with the expiration of telehealth waivers, those dentists that found telehealth an important addition to their practice need guidance on which compliant platforms to use. Dentists must evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and patient satisfaction associated with virtual care. Additionally, they should consider the legal and regulatory implications of providing telehealth services without waivers and adapt their practices accordingly. 

Navigating the Future of Dental Care

To navigate the post-waiver landscape, dentists can take several steps. First, staying informed about the evolving guidelines and regulations surrounding telehealth is crucial.

• The first step is assessing risks and vulnerabilities through a Security Risk Analysis. This knowledge will help dentists adapt their practices and comply with existing laws.

• Second would be to have policies in place to ensure the telehealth services these dentists provide to patients is telling the story of how they are protecting that sensitive patient information.
• Finally, investing in technology and software solutions that facilitate secure and efficient virtual consultations can enhance the patient experience and practice efficiency.

Conclusion: While the expiration of telehealth waivers poses challenges for dentists, it also presents an opportunity to evaluate and refine the role of telehealth in dental care. By staying informed, embracing hybrid models, and leveraging technology, dentists can continue to provide high-quality care while adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape.

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