How to Submit a HIPAA Violation and OSHA Complaint: A (Not So) Top-Secret Guide

August 21, 2023
How to Submit a HIPAA Violation & OSHA Complaint

HIPAA and OSHA: two acronyms that sound like they could be distant cousins of R2-D2 from “Star Wars,” but they’re actually heavyweights in the worlds of healthcare and occupational safety. Brace yourselves as we venture into the exciting universe of privacy policies and safety protocols – with a side of sass!

Reporting a HIPAA Violation – The “No Peeking Allowed” Rule

HIPAA, not to be confused with a hippo or a new dance craze, is all about safeguarding your medical secrets. Here’s how you can report a violation in case someone’s trying to sneak a peek at your X-rays:

  1. Identify the Culprit: If Aunt Sally from accounting suddenly gives you medical advice, you might want to look into that.
  2. Gather Proof: If possible, without going full Sherlock Holmes.
  3. Talk to the Boss: Let the responsible party know first. Sometimes, it’s just a misunderstanding or an overzealous new intern.
  4. Alert the Authorities: File online with the OCR, not the TV remote control’s OCR button.
  5. Stay on the Case: Don’t go undercover; follow up to see what’s happening with your complaint.

Filing an OSHA Complaint – Because Safety First, Always

If you’ve spotted something at work that screams, “I’m a hazard, come find me!” it’s time to put on your imaginary superhero cape and report an OSHA violation:

  1. Spot the Danger: This could be a clue if your coworker starts juggling chainsaws.
  2. Take Notes: But don’t turn it into a bestselling novel.
  3. Choose Your Path: Online, fax, mail, or a message in a bottle (just kidding on that last one).
  4. Spill the Beans: Tell OSHA everything, but no need to include your favorite coffee flavor.
  5. Stay Tuned: Keep an eye on things, but resist the urge to set up a spy camera.

Why It’s Important


  • Guarding Secrets: Because no one needs to know about that embarrassing rash.
  • Keeping Everyone in Line: Just like a stern kindergarten teacher.
  • Avoiding Repeat Offenders: Fool me once, shame on HIPAA; fool me twice, well, just don’t.


  • Safety Dance: Ensuring that the only “break dancing” at work is during lunch breaks.
  • Power to the People: Making sure everyone goes home with all their fingers and toes.
  • Laying Down the Law: Without OSHA, the office might start looking like a scene from “Mad Max.”

Contact Information for Reporting Violations

Got a pen and paper? Here’s where you send those pesky complaints:

HIPAA’s Secret Keepers

  • Online: OCR Complaint Portal (No password required!)
  • Mail: To the place with all the official-looking people in Washington, D.C.
  • Phone: 1-800-368-1019 (Or just dial “1-800-NO-PEEKING”)

OSHA’s Safety Squad

  • Online: OSHA Complaint Form (No capes required)
  • Mail or Fax: Send to your local OSHA Regional Office superheroes.
  • In Person: Wear a disguise if you want, but regular clothes will do.
  • Phone: 1-800-321-OSHA (No, it’s not a hotline for free hats)

HIPAA and OSHA might not be the riveting dinner party conversation starters, but they know how to throw a compliance party. By following these (not so) top-secret instructions, you’ll be on your way to becoming a healthcare privacy hero or workplace safety wizard. So, the next time someone violates HIPAA or OSHA, remember: You’ve got the power (and this handy guide) to keep everyone straight and narrow!

Note: If you need assistance with HIPAA compliance, tools like those offered by Abyde may be beneficial for healthcare providers in navigating the complex landscape of regulatory compliance. Always consult with legal professionals or compliance experts to ensure you follow the correct procedures for your situation.