June 14, 2023 As summer rolls around, it’s not just the season that’s changing. In the world of healthcare, compliance is a continually evolving landscape, with regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) often seeing updates. As the days get longer and the temperature rises, it’s the perfect time to perform a summer refresh on your HIPAA and OSHA compliance. Take a HIPAA heat check! HIPAA was passed to ensure the confidentiality and security of healthcare information. HIPAA compliance can be considered a sunscreen – it protects sensitive patient health information from getting ‘burned’ or leaked. Just like you apply and reapply sunscreen to ensure ongoing protection, it’s essential for practices to assess and periodically reassess HIPAA compliance strategy. With ever-advancing technology that provides more avenues for patients and providers to communicate and share information, the need for HIPAA compliance increases. Any application or platform that handles Protected Health Information (PHI) must be HIPAA compliant to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of such information. This summer, review digital systems and practices to protect patients’ sensitive data as carefully as you would protect your skin. If HIPAA compliance needs sunscreen, Abyde is SPF 100! Did you know if you put a seashell up to your ear, you can hear the OSHA? OSHA creates and enforces regulations to maintain safe and healthy working conditions. Just like a lifeguard oversees the beach’s safety, OSHA watches over your practice’s safety environment and regulations. As the summer’s heat rises, OSHA reminds us to ensure safe and healthy conditions for our workers, taking adequate measures against heat-related illnesses, overexposure to the sun, or other safety risks related to the summer season. Don’t let your practice have a double-red out this summer. Maintaining compliance isn’t a one-and-done task but a continuous process, much like the seasons that come and go. You always prepare to protect yourself from the sun and heat. Why not do the same for your practice and patients? Abyde beats the heat on HIPAA and OSHA compliance so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a culture of compliance that’s as unending as the summer sun.
New Jersey Doctor Fined $30k for Breaching HIPAA in Responses to Negative Google Reviews
June 5, 2023 The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched an investigation into Manasa Health Center LLC’s (Mansa) compliance with the The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Privacy Rule and notified them about it on November 18, 2020. Manasa is a psychiatric practice based in Kendall Park, New Jersey. As a covered entity under HIPAA, Manasa is required to comply with these rules. The investigation uncovered certain conduct, referred to as “Covered Conduct,” which includes the illegal disclosure of four patients’ protected health information (PHI) in response to negative reviews on Google. Additionally, Manasa was found to have failed to implement policies and procedures regarding PHI that comply with the standards and requirements of the Privacy and Breach Notification Rules. Manasa has agreed to pay HHS a resolution amount of $30,000. The payment will be made on the effective date of the agreement, following written instructions provided by HHS. Manasa has also committed to complying with a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) that serves as a roadmap for Manasa to rectify its non-HIPAA-compliant practices. The CAP put in place includes implementation of compliance policies and procedures, employee trainings, breach notifications, reports. Abyde’s HIPAA Compliance Software Solution can help healthcare providers effortlessly assess risks, implement necessary policies and procedures, and receive continuous support to maintain compliance with HIPAA regulations. If you have staff that has a bad case of keyboard-itis, make sure they are trained on what NOT to type out on the internet! By utilizing Abyde, healthcare providers can rest assured that they are meeting the requirements of the Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules. This proactive approach to compliance helps them avoid the potential consequences of non-compliance, such as costly settlements like the one experienced by Manasa Health Center.
HIPAA Violations Unveiled: Examining Critical Breaches of Patient Privacy
May 30, 2023 We always talk about how important it is to set protocols to avoid HIPAA violations, but what exactly are you avoiding? The sobering examples of HIPAA violations are essential to be aware of so that you understand the gravity of safeguarding patient privacy and maintaining the trust placed in healthcare providers. Incidents serve as stark reminders of the profound consequences that can arise when personal health information falls into the wrong hands. These violation examples underscore the utmost importance of HIPAA compliance and the ethical imperative to protect patients’ privacy. Digital Data Disaster A healthcare organization falls victim to a malicious cyberattack, compromising its entire database of patient records. Personal information, medical histories, and even Social Security numbers are exposed, leaving thousands of individuals vulnerable to identity theft and potential harm. This incident serves as a critical reminder that cybersecurity measures must be robustly implemented to protect patient data from the ever-evolving threats lurking in the digital realm. Gossip Gone Wrong A trusted healthcare provider carelessly discusses a patient’s confidential medical condition with their friends during a casual gathering. This “meaningless” gossip spreads to an acquaintance of the patient, eventually getting back to said patient. The careless discussion that violated the patient’s right to privacy ends up in the papers. The patient is beyond embarrassed and the healthcare provider is in for a whirlwind of hurt including reputational carnage. This ever-so-cautionary tale accentuates the importance of professionalism and the duty to keep patient information strictly confidential. Insider Trading In a breach that shakes the foundation of trust, a trusted employee intentionally accesses patient records without a valid reason. Driven by curiosity or malintent, they betray the ethical responsibilities bestowed upon them. This particular violation underscores the significance of stringent access controls, regular auditing, and thorough background checks to maintain the integrity of patient information. Misdirected Medical Records A healthcare provider accidentally sends a patient’s medical records to the wrong individual. This innocent mistake exposes sensitive information to an unintended recipient, potentially compromising the patient’s privacy and causing emotional distress. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of proper verification processes, double-checking recipient details, and implementing secure methods for transmitting confidential information. Disappearing Device A healthcare professional’s misplaced or stolen mobile device, containing unencrypted patient data, becomes a ticking time bomb. The consequences of the lost, unprotected device could be severe – ranging from identity theft to blackmail or even unauthorized disclosure of personal health information if caught in the wrong hands. This emphasizes the need for strong device security measures, including encryption, remote wiping capabilities, and constant vigilance when handling portable devices. In conclusion, HIPAA violations demand our utmost attention and respect for patient privacy. The examples here demonstrate the real-world implications of breaches in healthcare data security. As individuals and organizations, we must prioritize robust safeguards, ongoing training, and strict adherence to HIPAA guidelines to ensure the protection of sensitive patient information. Let Abyde unite our efforts to safeguard healthcare information and “Abyde” by HIPAA laws.
The Expiration of Telehealth Waivers for Dentists: Navigating the Future of Remote Dental Care
May 23, 2023 Over the past couple of years, telehealth has revolutionized the healthcare industry, including dentistry. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes and the healthcare landscape evolves, the telehealth waivers that allowed dentists to provide virtual care through non-compliant platforms are expiring. Let’s explore the implications of these expiring waivers and how dentists can navigate the future of remote dental care. The Rise of Telehealth in Dentistry: Telehealth emerged as a crucial tool during the pandemic, enabling dentists to connect with patients remotely for consultations, follow-ups, and non-emergency care. These waivers expanded access to dental services, particularly for underserved populations, reduced unnecessary in-person visits, and improved overall patient experience. Dentists embraced telehealth to ensure continuity of care while minimizing the risk of virus transmission. Implications of Expiring Waivers:Using platforms like Apple Facetime, Skype, Zoom, and other non-public facing platforms were part of the Notice of Enforcement Discretion the OCR laid out in March of 2020. Now that virtually every EHR/PM solution and other technologies have emerged over the last 3 years, practices can easily implement compliant solutions. Dentistry will always predominantly be an in-person health care service but with the expiration of telehealth waivers, those dentists that found telehealth an important addition to their practice need guidance on which compliant platforms to use. Dentists must evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency, and patient satisfaction associated with virtual care. Additionally, they should consider the legal and regulatory implications of providing telehealth services without waivers and adapt their practices accordingly. Navigating the Future of Dental Care: To navigate the post-waiver landscape, dentists can take several steps. First, staying informed about the evolving guidelines and regulations surrounding telehealth is crucial. • The first step is assessing risks and vulnerabilities through a Security Risk Analysis. This knowledge will help dentists adapt their practices and comply with existing laws. • Second would be to have policies in place to ensure the telehealth services these dentists provide to patients is telling the story of how they are protecting that sensitive patient information. • Finally, investing in technology and software solutions that facilitate secure and efficient virtual consultations can enhance the patient experience and practice efficiency. Conclusion: While the expiration of telehealth waivers poses challenges for dentists, it also presents an opportunity to evaluate and refine the role of telehealth in dental care. By staying informed, embracing hybrid models, and leveraging technology, dentists can continue to provide high-quality care while adapting to the evolving healthcare landscape. Questions regarding HIPAA and OSHA Compliance, please email Abyde at info@abyde.com or call (800) 594-0883
MedEvolve Pays $350k Settlement Following HIPAA Violations
May 16, 2023 The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services disclosed a settlement concerning potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Rules. The settlement was with MedEvolve, Inc., a business associate offering practice management, revenue cycle management, and practice analytics software services to health care entities. This settlement brings an end to the OCR’s probe into a data breach incident where a server containing the protected health information of 230,572 individuals was left vulnerable and accessible on the internet. The potential HIPAA violations included the absence of an analysis to identify risks and vulnerabilities to electronic protected health information throughout the organization, and the failure to establish a business associate agreement with a subcontractor. These agreements typically outline the permissible uses and disclosures of protected health information, implementation of appropriate safeguards, and the procedure for notifying the covered entity of any breaches. As a part of the settlement, MedEvolve paid a $350,000 monetary settlement to the OCR and consented to implement a corrective action plan to address these potential violations and enhance the security of electronic patient health information. OCR Director, Melanie Fontes Rainer, emphasized the importance of securing electronic protected health information, stating, “Ensuring that security measures are in place to protect electronic protected health information where it is stored is an integral part of cybersecurity and the protection of patient privacy.” The investigation into MedEvolve began in July 2018 after a breach notification report highlighted that an FTP server containing electronic protected health information was openly accessible on the internet. The exposed information included patient names, billing addresses, telephone numbers, primary health insurer and doctor’s office account numbers, and in some instances, Social Security numbers. The OCR investigates every report of breaches affecting 500 or more people. In 2022, the most common type of large breach reported to the OCR was hacking/IT incidents, accounting for 79% of cases. It’s therefore essential for HIPAA-covered entities and their business associates to ramp up their efforts to identify and tackle cybersecurity threats. Under the settlement agreement, MedEvolve will be under OCR’s scrutiny for two years to ensure compliance with the HIPAA Security Rule. They have agreed to take measures such as conducting a comprehensive risk analysis, developing a risk management plan, revising policies and procedures as necessary, enhancing their HIPAA and Security Training Program, and reporting non-compliance within their workforce to the HHS within sixty days. In today’s world where data breaches are increasingly common, Abyde takes a proactive stance in ensuring that healthcare providers maintain the highest standards of compliance. Our comprehensive software solution is designed to alleviate the burden of HIPAA compliance for healthcare professionals, and mitigate the risk of a costly incident like MedEvolve’s.
No Practice Too Big
May 11, 2023 Small organizations are prime targets for cyberattacks because they are typically less likely to have robust cybersecurity systems if any at all. Yet Aspen Dental, with over 1,000 offices across the United States, recently fell victim to a cyberattack that disrupted its ability to access scheduling systems, phone systems, and other essential business applications. No organization of any size or industry is immune to cyberattacks. The Aspen Group has not confirmed whether or not patient information was compromised, and is still actively investigating the incident’s scope. The breach was first discovered on April 25 and if it turns out that sensitive, personal information was involved in the incident, Aspen Dental will notify the affected individuals in accordance with applicable laws. The healthcare industry is number one on the list of targets for cybercriminals due to the nature of the industry having massive amounts of sensitive personal data for patients ranging from medical records to credit card numbers to home addresses. Dr. Jay Wolfson, USF Associate Dean for Health Policy and Practice said, “Healthcare is the richest source of data for poor people looking to commit fraud and get data on people.” According to a report from healthcaredive.com, 385 million patient records have been exposed as a result of healthcare breaches from 2010 to 2022, emphasizing the critical need for comprehensive security measures like those provided by Abyde’s compliance solutions software. The insurmountable cost of a breach followed by investigations and legalities concerning HIPAA can be detrimental not only financially but also to the reputation of a healthcare entity. In light of Aspen Dental’s breach, it is evident that using a Compliance-as-a-Software like Abyde’s would have significantly reduced the risk of a cyber event. Abyde’s software offers a comprehensive solution to help healthcare organizations maintain compliance, safeguard sensitive patient information, and ensure the safety of business operations. Investing in such preventative measures allows healthcare organizations to protect themselves from devastating cybersecurity incidents and the endless headache that is sure to follow. This incident goes on to prove that there is no practice too big for compliance.
Healthcare Provider Pays $15,000 Due to HIPAA Violation
May 9, 2023 The United States Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights (HHS), recently settled a case against the Office of David Mente, MA, LPC, for a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule. The healthcare provider, who offers psychological care in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, has agreed to pay $15,000 and enter into a Corrective Action Plan (CAP). HHS received a complaint in December 2017 alleging that David Mente, MA, LPC refused to provide individual access to their minor children’s protected health information. After receiving technical assistance from HHS, a second complaint was filed in May 2018 concerning the continued noncompliance with the Privacy Rule. HHS investigated and found that David Mente, MA, LPC failed to provide timely access to protected health information since April 6, 2018. The parties agreed to resolve the matter without further investigation or formal proceedings. David Mente, MA, LPC, will pay a resolution amount of $15,000 and comply with a CAP to address the violation. The healthcare provider does not admit liability, nor does HHS concede that there is no violation of the HIPAA Rules. This situation could have been prevented with the help of the Abyde HIPAA Compliance Software Solution. The software offers a comprehensive and user-friendly solution to help healthcare providers maintain HIPAA compliance by assessing risk, implementing required policies and procedures, and providing ongoing support. By utilizing Abyde, healthcare providers can ensure that they are meeting the Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules requirements and avoid costly settlements like the one faced by David Mente, MA, LPC.
Top HIPAA Compliant Solutions Your Medical Practice Can’t Live Without
May 2, 2023 The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted in 1996 to enhance privacy and security in the healthcare sector. One of the key provisions of this legislation is the need for healthcare organizations, including independent medical practices, to protect the privacy and security of their patient’s health information. As a result, HIPAA software solutions have emerged as crucial tools for ensuring compliance and safeguarding sensitive data. In this article, we will explore why HIPAA software solutions are essential for independent medical practices. • Efficient Management of Patient Data Independent medical practices typically handle a significant amount of sensitive patient data, ranging from medical histories and diagnoses to billing information. HIPAA software solutions streamline the management of this data by providing an organized, secure platform for storing and accessing patient information. This improves efficiency and helps medical practices comply with HIPAA’s Privacy and Security Rules, which mandate strict controls over the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI). Recommended Companies; • Enhanced Data Security Data breaches are an ever-present threat in the healthcare sector. They can lead to significant financial and reputational damage, not to mention the harm caused to patients whose information is compromised. By implementing network and database security solutions, independent medical practices can significantly improve the protection of their data. These solutions often come with robust encryption, access controls, and audit trails, which help prevent unauthorized access and ensure compliance with HIPAA’s Security Rules. Recommended Companies; • Minimizing the Risk of Non-Compliance HIPAA non-compliance can result in severe penalties, including hefty fines and criminal charges. For independent medical practices with limited resources, the costs of non-compliance can be particularly devastating. However, HIPAA risk management software solutions help practices navigate complex regulations and maintain compliance by providing the documentation necessary to prove compliance, training modules, and regular updates that reflect changes in federal and state laws changes. Recommended Companies; • Streamlined Workflows and Improved Patient Care By automating many tasks associated with managing patient data, HIPAA software solutions that improve processes can help independent medical practices save valuable time and resources. This enables healthcare professionals to focus more on providing quality care to their patients. For example, software solutions may include features such as appointment scheduling, electronic prescription management, and secure messaging, which streamline workflows and improve patient-provider communication. Recommended Companies; • Storing and Transmitting Patient Images and Data Data sharing in a compliant manner ensures it’s secure, efficient, and getting into the right hands. Having HIPAA-compliant solutions that provide a forum to share patient data and images easily can help providers quickly get the important details needed to provide next-level care to patients. The other side to this critical point is the patient experience. As patients are increasingly concerned about the privacy and security of their health information, allowing patients to access their data without barriers while being secure is a great way to build trust between patients and providers. Recommended Companies; In Summary HIPAA software solutions are an indispensable asset for independent medical practices, offering numerous benefits ranging from improved data management to enhanced security and compliance. By leveraging these solutions, healthcare professionals can focus on their primary mission—providing quality care to their patients—while ensuring that they are operating within the confines of the law. In an increasingly competitive healthcare landscape, independent medical practices cannot afford to overlook the importance of HIPAA software solutions in safeguarding their patients’ information and maintaining their reputation.
Draft Your Compliance Dream Team: Abyde’s Winning Strategy for HIPAA, OSHA, and NFL-inspired Success
April 28, 2023 Is it draft season already? NFL teams have been stressing daily to boost their lineups and prepare for the upcoming season. With the NFL draft officially underway, teams risk their future success with unproven prospects. Why take a risk? Maybe they have identified a position that isn’t as strong as another, or perhaps they are looking into future potential. At Abyde, we take all the stress and guesswork out of compliance. Whether it’s HIPAA or OSHA, we’ve got you covered. Just like in the NFL, we also have a starting lineup. The Security Rule establishes national standards for protecting electronic PHI (ePHI). Covered entities and their business associates must implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards to protect ePHI from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. So how do we save you? Like a good offensive center, our Security Risk Analysis will adapt to your practice’s needs and uncover potential risks. After taking this assessment, we will generate a Scorecard for the practice. Look at this as your playsheet. We will guide you through your high, medium, and low-risk items and even give you the ability to update any answer with the click of a button. There’s no “I” in a team, so what else is a part of our starting lineup? HIPAA Privacy Rule sets national standards for the protection of PHI. Covered entities and their business associates must ensure that they protect the privacy of patient’s PHI and provide patients with specific rights regarding their PHI, such as the right to access and correct their health records. Do you have Business Associate Agreements in place? How about policies and procedures for your practice? Abyde’sSecurity Risk Analysis will help dynamically generate your practice’s specific documentation. Like a good teammate, this will help guide you through you to ensure a culture of compliance within the office. Think we forgot about OSHA? There are also standards that the government requires practices to follow, which include Hazard Communication Standard, Bloodborne Pathogens Standard, and Personal Protective Equipment Standard, to name a few. So how do you keep pushing downfield while these standards set their sights on you? Abyde’s Facility Risk Assessment (FRA) and Emergency Action Plan (EAP) have your blindside like a hall-of-fame left tackle protecting you and your practice with insight on ensuring a safe and healthy workplace. In addition, the FRA establishes a game plan for the future. Abyde’s revolutionary software also provides specific employee training for the above standards. With Abyde, your documented compliance solution will protect you better than a Pro Bowl lineman! So, hopefully, your team – errr, practice – will make the right decisions this year, both on and off the field!
ChatGPT & HIPAA: A Quick Guide on What You Need to Know
April 26, 2023 If you haven’t heard about ChatGPT over the last few months, you might still be Googling everything! ChatGPT launched in November 2022 and has taken the internet by storm. Developed by OpenAI, using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, it can have human-like conversations while giving you all the details of whatever you may ask it. So we haven’t seen it be able to make you dinner just yet. Still, it has successfully written computer programming, passed a series of different exams, and written entire feature-length articles. (Wow, I feel like a doting parent!) AI language models are transforming how we approach everyday tasks or complete major projects, and the healthcare industry has even jumped on board the ChatGPT train. ChatGPT has assisted in scheduling appointments, treatment plan assistance, patient education, medical coding, and more! While this all sounds exciting and has the opportunity to improve patient care, protecting your patient’s data when using these types of tools will be imperative and should be approached with caution. So what are some of the red flags to be aware of when it comes to HIPAA compliance: • At this time, OpenAI does not sign a Business Associate Agreement. Therefore, it is not HIPAA compliant. HIPAA regulations require that covered entities only share PHI with vendors who have signed a BAA. This ensures that PHI is protected and that all parties comply with HIPAA laws and regulations. Prior to implementing any AI technology that processes or accesses PHI, covered entities must enter into a business associate agreement with the vendor of such technology. • Protect PHI when using the chat platform. OpenAI warns against inputting confidential information into the platform. As with many technology platforms, ChatGPT collects information and reviews conversations to improve systems and services. In other words, there is no telling where that data is being stored and, therefore, cannot be protected. Because this platform is not HIPAA compliant, it’s super important to remember not to input any identifiable patient information. When working with PHI, de-identifying or anonymizing data is key to minimizing the risk of a data breach. • Establish access controls and monitor chat logs. To minimize risk, access to chat logs should be restricted to those who need it as part of their job function. Don’t forget to implement written documentation of which employees can access chat logs, and be sure to revoke access if necessary. These chat logs are highly recommended to be monitored and audited to ensure they do not contain any PHI. • Establish Policies and Procedures and train employees. When implementing a new technology, such as ChatGPT, that potentially accesses PHI, policies, and procedures must be implemented to ensure that all appropriate safeguards are in place to support the use of the new technology. Training employees on properly using new technology is also super important. Training should include security best practices, data privacy importance, and incident reporting steps if necessary. • Create and implement an incident response policy. As with any security risk, having an incident response policy is super important to help mitigate risk in the case of a breach. This plan should include procedures for identifying and mitigating the incident, notifying affected individuals, and investigating the cause of the incident to prevent future incidents. By proactively prioritizing patient privacy and security, healthcare organizations can greatly benefit from ChatGPT and other AI language models. Streamlining administrative work and improving patient outcomes, sounds like a win-win. But, it’s critical that you carefully balance increased efficiency and elevated risks related to patient data privacy. This is new for everyone, so not making drastic changes to your business because of something ChatGPT can do should be considered. Your patients still want human experiences, and that is something ChatGPT can’t take away from you and your staff!How can you stay up to date on the latest compliance trends and news? Contact our compliance experts at Abyde today for guidance on this everchanging technical landscape and see how we can help you be successful in the years ahead! To book a demo with one of our Abyde specialists, click here or call us at (800) 594-0883